I was a fan of Ole' Dammegard. I actually anxiously awaited his new posts for several years.
I have been researching conspiracies and para-politics since 9/11/2001.
I've researched 9/11, Watergate, Iran Contra, October Surprise, the Inslaw Promis Software 'Octopus' and all the webs that connect them, like the Epstien blackmail, money laundering, 911 cover-up ring, in depth over the last two decades.
In 2014 I had decided that in order to really understand 'The Octopus' I would need to understand how it connected to the JFK assassination, so I began a deep dive into JFK and read every book I could get my hands on about the subject. I also began work on a large Collage series about JFK using vintage newspapers.
I was planning on using the collages in a future show titled, 'The Conspiracy is Real' and I had stickers made with that saying on them as part of a low key guerilla marketing campaign.
In late 2014 Ole' Dammegard arrived on the You Tube scene with interviews about Operation 40 and JFK. Since this was the subject I was studying intensely I listened and found that he was saying all of the things I had recently learned about the subject.
Then, I remember that when "Terror Are you Kidding Me" aired. I was blown away that someone could say the things he did, and that it all seemed to be possible with the videos he showed during that presentation. The imagery really did match what he was saying, and he was saying that mass casualty events included actors, and that some were completely staged events.
I did some searching for any other videos or information about Ole' and besides his book I couldn't find anything older than 2014. It was as if he came out of nowhere, and at first I had some reservations about what he was claiming, but I liked him. I liked his personality a lot. I liked that he seemed calm and very loving while trying to shine light on what would seem to be ever increasing terrible and constant lies.
Over the next couple of years Ole' became my favorite You Tube content producer. I watched every video that he put out after his arrival in 2014, (or possibly very late 2013), on You Tube. I had come to trust him. Sadly, I was beginning to think that it was possible that some of the mass casualty events were carefully scripted false flags, hoaxes, or a combination of such things.
I created a mixed media light house that was inspired by the JFK assassination, and Ole' Dammegard's Light on Conspiracy website and You Tube channel in early 2017.
I had emailed Ole' before the Vegas shooting and sent him a photo of the Light House art that he had inspired and he posted it on his website.
I emailed him again after the Vegas shooting and I told him I thought he missed a clue with the Coke sign with the awkward hand symbol and that I thought he was way off with his shoe theory because most likely most of the people at the concert bought their boots for the concert and some of them took them off to run because they were horribly uncomfortable.
This is an experience I have actually had since as a minor I ran from a party or two in rural Montana and left my uncomfortable shoes or new boots behind along the way order to run faster.
Then, just a month after the Vegas shooting on November 5TH, 2017 there was a shooting at my dad's tiny church in rural Sutherland Springs, Texas where my dad had been a member for 14 years.
I knew that there were going to be people that didn't believe it because I would not have believed it myself. I contacted Ole' within days of the shooting and told him about my relation to a long time member of the church. He seemed to be receptive about possibly traveling to Texas in the future to interview survivors.
I mailed the mixed media art light house and some art prints along with a letter to Ole' in Spain a couple of months after the shooting so he actually owns the Light house art piece now. I actually had to save money to ship the priority box of art to Spain since it was over $50. Now I shudder to think about how much money his total disinformation operation brings in daily.
Shortly after I mailed the package to him Ole' started supporting and promoting a duo going by the aliases Side Thorn and Conspiracy Granny.
Ole' quit replying to my emails requesting that he stop supporting them because they were so scary and the church community in Texas where this happened were already so traumatized. He took them on the You Tube Circuit and they were very proud of his support.
It was and continues to be a very surreal experience to have my once favorite You Tube personality promoting someone who was actively harassing my dad and his mourning community.
The pair were eventually arrested after months of stalking the church and harassing survivors and family members of those who died. Ussery and Mann invited Vice to film them while confronting people at the church, who filmed them threatening my dad and other church members. This pair harassed the church and community on site for months while being promoted by Ole' despite my pleading with him to stop supporting them. They vandalized banners and signs that were donated to the mourning community, they blared heavy metal music while driving through the tiny cemetery and yelled at survivors and family members.
Sidethorn threatened to kill my dad and the Pastor. Ole' never did do any research but supported this violent team throughout their continuing harassment of the church despite my pleading with him to stop. He continues to make videos and spread lies about Sutherland Springs.
When they were arrested, Sidethorn actually filmed himself with a Go-pro hiding a gun under the seat of the car they were in.
The week prior to the arrest at the church Side Thorn did an interview with VICE about going to Sutherland Springs. I reached out to VICE, but they did not return my emails.
The Vice video actually made the arrest look incredibly strange and more like a hoax, so the hoax community split with some thinking that Sidethorn was part of the overall hoax sent in to make the movement look bad.
When I comment on videos with Ole' Dammegard they almost always disappear. I am unable to post a link to this page on most of his videos and Jason Goodman's videos, and most of the accounts connected to their network as well. Jason has had up an interview with Ole' about Sutherland Springs and Sidethorn for years after I asked him to please investigate and take it down.
Ole's supporters often attack me and call me a liar if I try to tell my story. They call me a Masonic agent. It's super surreal.
This disinformation campaign has been devastating in many ways. I tried to engage the conspiracy/truth community after the shooting and they didn't want the truth. I've lost many heroes along my research quest, but this was the most directly painful since Ole' actually continues to put my family at risk with his support of Side Thorn and the absolute lie that this shooting was a hoax . There are many would be copycats who think Sidethorn's efforts were admirable and he has become somewhat of a martyr since his arrest.
My dad & step mom spent the majority of their time at this church for over 14 years. My step mom ran the food pantry serving the local needy, and my dad did the maintenance around the property. It was an incredible fluke they weren't at service that morning. They would not be with us today. They were running late and got to the church about the same time as the first responders. That is a story in itself.
The shooter Devin Patrick Kelley was known to the community, and had attended the Halloween celebration just the weekend before the shooting, and my step mom had some interaction with him. She describes his eyes as having been black and empty. She said that he stood with his hands clenched at his sides like he was ready to draw the whole time and never said a word.
This was someone my dad did not like, and he had mentioned him to me before, but not by name. Just shortly after I moved to Colorado, my dad told me that one of the church member's daughters had moved to Colorado City. That's a strange story in it's own right because Devin Patrick Kelley lived not far from where I work and I used to drive past the trailer park where he was arrested for abusing a dog but didn't even realize the trailer park was there until a few months after the shooting.
Kelley killed 26 people on November 5TH, but the ripple effects destroyed a lot of relationships, families and individuals in the years that followed.
I hadn't been there or met anyone at the church until the week after the shooting when I flew out to support my family, but I remember when Annabelle was adopted by the Pastor & his wife. My dad loved that little girl so much, and he talked about her all the time when we spoke on the phone. She sat on my dad's lap through church service for those first few years before she learned to walk, and at her funeral several people brought that up. Annabelle was special and learned to walk very late due to the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome.
Ole' is ultimately the reason Sidethorn is in prison. He could have easily followed up and done some investigation, and told him to back off, but he didn't.
His brand of disinformation makes concerned citizens who are searching for the truth very angry at other citizens that they believe are actors. Misdirected anger, and Divide and Conquer at it's worst.
Shame on Ole' and this whole branch of disinformation agents, and there are many.
Considering the state of the world now this matters more than ever. The Hoax movement was created in conjunction with Q to mix truth with complete fallacy and to tie important topics to the absurd and provably false.
Shortly after the shooting I debunked an article on The New Nationalist/Winter Watch about the shooters gravesite being on the former sheriff Zwickie's family land, and Mike Decker was kind enough to take down his video on You Tube that claimed it was fake.
Beyond that no-one wanted to hear the truth.
Torchy at WInterwatch asked at the time if I was interested in doing an interview since I had such a unique experience, but since the whole thing was so scary I declined. I have reached out recently to them to see if they would be interested in an interview now, but I have not heard back and several of my comments on Winter Watch about Ole' have disappeared, but the promotion of Ole' and his lies continue.
I don't believe anyone could go to the church and still claim that there aren't any bullet holes, but Robert Ussery/Sidethorn did and then created a very fuzzy video purporting to show the exterior of the church with no bullet holes.
The evidence of the shooting is still very obvious today. There are bullet holes all over the outside of the church that remain visible even though the church was repainted, and many bullet holes are still visible inside. Many panes of glass are replacements for panes that were shot out.
The church pews and doors that were removed were riddled with bullet holes, and they were moved to my mother in law's property where they sat before they could be discarded via fire for a very long time due to draught. They were discarded of by being burned to ashes just last year.
Below is a Video of the Church and photos from my recent visit to see my dad in Texas on the 5TH anniversary of the shooting November 5, 2022. Below those are photos I took when my family visited in early 2018.
In a 2020 video with Jim Fetzer and Jason Boss Ole' admits I exist but even gets the details wrong. It was my dad's church and AI'm not super young. He has emails from me, and a hand written letter that I wrote just a couple of months after the shooting explaining who I am and that it was my dad's church.
The Full video is up at 153, but I am not going to link to that site.
Below are just some of the comments I have tried to post recently that disappeared instantly.
Update 2/28/2021 I realized this morning that even the comments that do seem to stick don't show up if I am not logged in so I have been shadow banned from commenting at all on videos with Ole' Dammegard in them.
Below are just some of the comments I have tried to post recently that disappeared instantly.
Update 2/28/2021 I realized this morning that even the comments that do seem to stick don't show up if I am not logged in so I have been shadow banned from commenting at all on videos with Ole' Dammegard in them.
Side Thorn has a violent past, and was already noticed by some to be a threat to society before the shooting in Texas. I sent this information to Ole' and others before the arrest at the church when Side Thorn threatened the Pastor's life and my dad's life and recorded himself hiding a gun under the seat of his vehicle with his Go Pro, which is what actually landed him in prison.
Ole's support of these two empowered them, and there are copycats all over Channel 153 who now think Side Thorn is a hero.
An article about Side Thorn from March 14 2017, 6 months before the shooting in Texas.
An article about Side Thorn being arrested at a White Lives Matter rally for assault.
HIs social media comments were often vulgar, racist and violent, and it was an incredible shock when Ole', who presents himself as a rather calm peaceful person promoted him heavily despite my pleading with him to stop.
Channel 153 is run by someone who looks up to Ussery as a hero, and has posted videos about Sutherland Springs being a hoax. I reached out to him on Instagram a couple of years ago but got no reply.
These are scary people who Ole' supports. I have noticed since this happened that there is a lot of Plausible Deniability with many of the content producers who support him. For instance, when I confronted Jason Goodman, about his support of Ole' and of Sidethorn and Granny he says that he never supported them or called it a hoax, that it was Ole' who said it, but the video was key in promoting Sidethorn and Granny as martyrs, and presented the shooting to Jason's wide audience as a hoax.
It went up on March 7, 2018
Jason Goodman, Skype Call with Ole Dammegard – Side Thorn and Conspiracy Granny Arrested in Sutherland Springs Video:
NOTE: This video has disappeared behind a paywall on Ole's website.
I have reached out to many in the Truth Community over the years trying to warn them about Ole', and I reached out to Charlie Robinson when he arrived on the You Tube scene a couple of years ago with his book 'The Octopus of Global Control because I was concerned that it would be something that had nothing to do with Promis and would distract those looking for information on this very important subject.
I first commented that any discussion of The Octopus should include Dany Casolaro's research on Promis.
I also told him about my experience with Ole' Dammegard I mailed him the book, 'The Last Circle' by Cheryl Seymour and told him how weather engineering connected to the monitization of water and about how companies in Dubia were using water backed crypto currency for rain on demaind. He said he was blown away by the Climate Cron information, and that he didn't know Ole' well, but that I should cut him some slack.
I have asked several times since them in the comment section of some of his videos if he ever read the book, but I get no reply. He went on to have Ole' on his broadcast and to entangle his Octopus with David Icke and all kinds of nonsense, which is exactly what I feared would happen when I saw the title of his book. I was researching The Octopus heavily when his book came out, and I felt like Charlie may be just a normal guy living just an hour away in Denver who was interested in the same important subjects that I was, but I had hesitations that he and his book may be tools to connect The Octopus to disinformation like shape shifting reptiles and other obvious disinformation distractions.
An excerpt from our second email exchange:
From me to Charlie:
"There is a crypto-currency no one is talking about and it's water backed.
Check out Global Climate Trading LLC in Dubai, they will make it rain on demand through EMF for countries that can afford it. One Climate Cron equals one barrel of water.
So scary. Things are moving very fast."
Charlie's Reply:
Thank you SO much for the book and the stickers!
Holy crap, I'm checking out Climate Global right now and I'm blown away. Thanks for sending the link, I've never heard of them. I'm going to need to dig into this before I go to Anarchapulco and meet up with all of the crypto experts. The water wars are coming.
Again, thanks Kelly for sending your package. I'm going to start on the book today!
I wonder if he ever addressed Climate Engineering and the Climate Cron? This is such an important topic. I can no longer listen to him because I don't trust him.
There are far more disinformation agents in the alternative media than there are actual courageous researchers.
More information on Water and Climate on Demand and Other Interlocking Issues:
Gates/Epstein/Trump/Wexner 2001
Add in the monitization of water combined with weather engineering and Microsoft's proof of work patent and the big picture looks even scarier.
Global Climate Trading LLC in Dubai is just one company who openly does weather Modification on demand. They will make it rain on demand through EMF for countries that can afford it by moving water from a standing body like a lake or pond through the air and then dropping it over the designated area where it is desired to rain. They only accept the Climate Cron which is water backed crypto currency. One Climate Cron equals one barrel of water.
Bush buys fresh water resource
Water Barons
Seattle Water/Wall street
Images of the JFK Collages I started before the shooting fora show I was planning called, "The Conspiracy is Real'. I ditched the project when everyone in the Hoax community started calling the shooting in Sutherland Springs a hoax and a conspiracy.
UPDATES: November 22 2021
I just did a search for Ole's most recent videos and of course there are way more than I could ever spend time commenting on, especially when odds are high the comments will either be deleted by the content producers or by the AI algorithms programmed to silence all that goes against the narrative, and Ole' is part of the narrative in the alternative media, but I did comment on about a dozen and a half of the latest videos featuring Ole', and I just now only a half hour later they are all gone already. I tried a second round of comments but they would disappear by the time I refreshed the page. I did take snips of those and they are posted below. I watched the 2ND comment I left on Rogueways channel disappear in real time. Ole's platform is really, really huge, and none of the people that support him who I have reached out to have cared enough about the truth to even ask questions. None of them followed up or did any research so they obviously don't care about the truth and they are not researchers.
If you care about the truth please call them out.
I recently pulled out the JFK collages that I started in 2016 and I finished one of them and to show in my first solo show in 12 years, but it only hung for the day before the show opened before someone bought it and drove it off to Texas. In all honesty, it wasn't actually done. I wanted to add many more details and I also wanted to create interlocks between all of the information like I did on the Epstein, Promis Octopus Collage. The buyer liked it as it was, and I needed to let it go. I have a hard time thinking about JFK without thinking about Ole' and the shooting at my dad's church. Oddly just this year someone sent me a video that connects the JFK assassination to the shooting at my dad's church through the family called the "Ussarians" (Ussary) mentioned in this video.
The Strange Surrey Story - The David Surrey Interview
My show C3 opened November 5TH on the 4TH anniversary of the shooting at my dad's church in Texas. I booked the show three years ago and did not choose the dates.
The title C3" Clouds, Curiousity and Courage in honor of activist Dane Wigington at Geoengineering Watch and also in honor of researcher/writer Douglas Valentine who inspired part of the title when he complimented my artwork after I reached out to him about my experience with the hoax promoters after I read one of his books.
Video of the Show Below:
If you care about the truth please call them out.
I recently pulled out the JFK collages that I started in 2016 and I finished one of them and to show in my first solo show in 12 years, but it only hung for the day before the show opened before someone bought it and drove it off to Texas. In all honesty, it wasn't actually done. I wanted to add many more details and I also wanted to create interlocks between all of the information like I did on the Epstein, Promis Octopus Collage. The buyer liked it as it was, and I needed to let it go. I have a hard time thinking about JFK without thinking about Ole' and the shooting at my dad's church. Oddly just this year someone sent me a video that connects the JFK assassination to the shooting at my dad's church through the family called the "Ussarians" (Ussary) mentioned in this video.
The Strange Surrey Story - The David Surrey Interview
My show C3 opened November 5TH on the 4TH anniversary of the shooting at my dad's church in Texas. I booked the show three years ago and did not choose the dates.
The title C3" Clouds, Curiousity and Courage in honor of activist Dane Wigington at Geoengineering Watch and also in honor of researcher/writer Douglas Valentine who inspired part of the title when he complimented my artwork after I reached out to him about my experience with the hoax promoters after I read one of his books.
Video of the Show Below:
November 22, JFK & The Octopus Collage 2021
Snips from 2ND round of comments censored today Nov. 22 2021 Very exhausting and discouraging to take the time to try and tell people the truth only to have my comments disappeared within seconds.
UPDATES November 14 2022
I recently took a trip to Texas to see my dad and step mom. I was there on the 5TH anniversary of the shooting and conducted interviews with them both about their experience at the church prior to the shooting and the day of for historical purposes and so they could possibly find some solace in sharing their stories. The shooting still has long lasting devastating effects, and so too have the auto hoaxers who have made it hard for survivors to process the pain and loss properly.
Important Links:
All of the court documents involving the Robert Ussery/Jodi Mann cases.
It's been 4.5 years since Robert's arrest and still no trial.
Shooter Devin Patrick Kelley Background Information
Devin Patrick Kelley Confession to abuse
Devin Patrick Kelley Colorado Dog Abuse Charge
Devin Patrick Kelley Autopsy
Devin Patrick Kelley Peak UHS/Psychotropic Drug Use
More Coming: